
Applying to the nursing program requires su​​bmitting​ transcripts from ALL institutions you have attended, whether or not they are related to program pre/corequisites. This includes institutions listed on another institution's transcripts.​


Included with your Nursing Application

1 unofficial transcript (print from student portal) ​1 unofficial or official transcript for each scho​​ol (sealed, unopened) Physical only, no electronic accepted

Admission & Records

None to submit 1 official transcript from each school (sealed, unopened), sent directly to LAHC Admissions & Records Physical or electronic accepted

Transcripts Within​ the ​LACCD

  • Submit ONE (1) UN-official transcript
  • All LACCD coursework on one transcript
  • Include with Nursing Application Form
  • Not required to submit to LAHC Admissions and Records​

Transcripts Outside of the LACCD

  • One official or unofficial transcript must be included with your Nursing Application Form. Do not mail transcripts separately to Nursing Department as they will not be matched up.
  • The other official transcripts must be sent directly from your institution to LAHC Admissions and Records; they do not accept hand delivered transcripts with the exception of high school transcripts.

  • Foreign students must have either high school or college transcripts evaluated for equivalency to U.S. senior high school graduation or a U.S. college degree. All foreign coursework will receive the equivalent grade of "C" for each course given such credit.
  • Submit official sealed evaluation with summary report and list of courses evaluated
  • Courses used for nursing program requirements requires petitions for equivalency
  • Foreign Transcript Evaluation​

  • Courses used for nursing program requirements requires petitions for equivalency

  • Credit for AP coursework may be granted immediately OR may require petition for credit. Please visit Counseling or Admissions and Records for more information.
  • Send scores to Admissions & Records for credit
  • Do not include AP scores with application
  • You must provide your LAHC/LACCD approved petitions with your application. 

  • High School transcripts are required if the following conditions apply.
    • If you do not have a previous degree (AA or higher) posted on your transcripts
  • Example 1: High School graduate needs to submit high school transcripts
  • Copies of diplomas will not be accepted.
  • Like other transcripts outside LACCD, provide two (2) transcripts: one unofficial or official included with the Nursing Application, and one official sent directly to Admissions and Records

Where to Send Transcripts

Los Angeles Harbor College
Attention: Admission and Records
1111 Figueroa Place
Wilmington, CA 90744

LAHC Admissions & Records website​ - Transcripts