LAHC Building

Cost of College

In order to treat all students equally, standardized budgets (COA) are established and applied to all applicants. This means all students with similar circumstances will receive the same allowance for tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, personal expenses, and transportation.

Other expenses may include, but are not limited to: dependent care, vocational/technical, and disability related expenses. Exceptions may be made to the budget in cases where need can be shown and documented.

Cost of Attendance (COA) – Expected Family Contribution (EFC) = Financial Need.

Estimated Cost of Attendance (COA) for 2023-24 Award-Year


Costs Paid Directly to the College FALL & SPRING SUMMER
Tuition & Fees $1,238 $616
Books and Supplies* $938 $469
Direct Costs Total: $2,176 $1,085
Costs Not Paid Directly to the College FALL & SPRING SUMMER
Living Expenses $10,125 $3,375
Transportation $1,611 $537
Personal $3,609 $1,203
Indirect Costs Total: $15,345 $5,115
Direct and Indirect Total: $17,521 $6,200
* Costs vary depending on course, new, used, rental and e-books.

Costs Paid Directly to the College FALL & SPRING SUMMER
Tuition & Fees $1,238 $616
Books and Supplies* $938 $469
Direct Costs Total: $2,176 $1,085
Costs Not Paid Directly to the College FALL & SPRING SUMMER
Living Expenses $19,431 $6,477
Transportation $1,764 $588
Personal $4,428 $1,475
Indirect Costs Total: $25,623 $8,540
Direct and Indirect Total: $27,799 $9,625
* Costs vary depending on course, new, used, rental and e-books.  

Costs Paid Directly to the College FALL & SPRING SUMMER
Tuition & Fees $10,130 $5,062
Books and Supplies* $938 $469
Direct Costs Total: $11,068 $5,531
Costs Not Paid Directly to the College FALL & SPRING SUMMER
Living Expenses $10,125 $3,375
Transportation $1,611 $537
Personal $3,609 $1,203
Indirect Costs Total: $15,345 $5,115
Direct and Indirect Total: $26,413 $10,646
* Costs vary depending on course, new, used, rental and e-books.  

Costs Paid Directly to the College FALL & SPRING SUMMER
Tuition & Fees $10,130 $5,062
Books and Supplies* $938 $469
Direct Costs Total: $11,068 $5,531
Costs Not Paid Directly to the College FALL & SPRING SUMMER
Living Expenses $19,431 $6,477
Transportation $1,764 $588
Personal $4,428 $1,475
Indirect Costs Total: $25,623 $8,540
Direct and Indirect Total: $36,691 $14,071
* Costs vary depending on course, new, used, rental and e-books.