Los Angeles Harbor College Building

First Appointment

The Harbor College CalWorks can help you with the following:

What do I bring to my first visit?

The first appointment in the CalWORKs department is very important. You must bring to the office any current documentation that can help the counselors and advisors with your case.

You must bring:

  • A current Notice of Action or Verification of Benefits (NOA/VOB must be dated no more than two weeks prior to your first appointment in the Harbor College CalWORKs office).
  • A REFERRAL: GN6006, GN6005A, or GN6390 form (from your current GAIN worker).
  • Any GAIN paperwork your GAIN worker has asked you to have completed by the CalWORKs office.

What to expect during my first appointment with a counselor or advisor?

The first appointment will take approximately one hour. Please check in at the CalWORKs office at least ten minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time. The clerical staff will make a copy of your NOA/VOB. The staff will provide you with a CalWORKs Intake Form and a Release of Information form (forms are available on our webpage under student information).
During your appointment with the counselor/advisor, the focus will be on your individual situation and case, and what your professional, academic, and personal goals are. If you have not applied to Harbor College yet, you may do so prior to coming in for your appointment by logging on to the college website at http://www.lahc.edu/admissions/international-students and filling out the student application for enrollment under Admissions and Records.

We will refer you to:

  • The Financial Aid department to apply for the Board of Governors Fee Waiver, and FAFSA. ( If you qualify, the fee waiver will waive the fees for your enrollment. You may be responsible for a small student service fee, and health fee).
  • The Extended Opportunities and Services department, also known as EOPS. (The EOPS department provides additional support services for CalWORKs students through the CARE program).
  • The Child Development Center (The wait list for enrollment varies)
  • The Special Services & Programs