Understanding Eating Disorders & Learning Coping Skills

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

On-Campus : Tech 110 & Online
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Campus Life Understanding Eating Disorders & Learning Coping Skills

Not everyone who attempts to diet will develop an eating disorder. Disordered eating behavior typically involves many behaviors, such as fad diets, frequent detoxifying cleanses, or clean eating by dietary restrictions. More severe behaviors include fixating on eating schedules, over-exercising, binging or purging, and abusing laxatives. These behaviors, though extreme, do not meet the criteria for an eating disorder.

LAHC - Life Skills Center Workshops Fall 2024

Workshop presentation are in-person at Tech 110 & Online

Zoom Meeting ID to be announced Weekly

LSC Email: @email​

Appointments:  (310) 233-4586


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