LAHC Building

Welcome to the Spanish Department!

Degrees & Certificates​

As you know, COVID-19 has changed the way we do things, at least for the next few months. We will be partially online during the Spring 2022 semester. If you need to reach your instructor, please see the Contact list below. The best way to contact instructors is by email, as we are not in our offices answering the phones. If you cannot reach your instructor, or if you have a question about any of the subjects in our Division, please contact the Communications Division Chair, Ann Warren, at @email

The Spanish Department offers beginning, intermediate, and advanced Spanish classes, as well as courses in Spanish and Latin American culture and literature. These classes immerse students in Spanish language and culture, and prepare them to meet the demands of today's multilingual workplace.

The Spanish Department promotes a community of respect and understanding of different ethnic groups and their cultures through the study of language, literature, and culture. We train students to understand, speak, read, and write in Spanish, fostering a global perspective and an appreciation of other cultural heritages, which promotes community, national, and international cooperation.


Office Location

B.A., M.A., CSU Long Beach
NEA 257


William Hernandez
Associate Professor, Spanish
Email: @email
Phone: (310) 233-4081

B.A., Occidental College; M.A., CSU Long Beach
NEA 278

Delia Renteria
Assistant Professor, Spanish
Email: @email
Phone: (310) 233-4235

NEA 256

Maria Teresa Nunez
Instructor, Spanish
Email: @email
Phone: (310) 233-4252

Gerry Koehler
Instructor, Spanish
Email: @email
Phone: (310) 233-4252

Marlene Koven
Instructor, Spanish
Email: @email
Phone: (310) 233-4252

Fidelina Gonzalez
Instructor, Spanish
Email: @email
Phone: (310) 233-4252

Benito Gomez​
Instructor, Spanish
Email: @email
Phone: (310) 233-4252